- Robotics
- Languages
- Fabrication
- Programming/coding
- Edx
- Stanford Intro to Robotics
- Systems modelling Northwest Robotics #Youtube courses
- TU delft OCW Mechatronics systems modelling Courses learning
- Mordern Robotics planning motion control Northwest Robotics #Youtube courses Detailed explanations
- Applied robotics for non robot builder stanford #Making Prototypes Mechanisms #Mechanical
- QUT open robotics academy detailed work recommended by things in motion.
- Intro to robotics simon D levy Washington lee university
- Northwestern Robotics
- Modern Robotics All videos
- Modern robotics website resources Coursera
- Introduction to control system edx
- Matlab practical control system
- Open CV Course Youtube
- Machine learning University
- Industrial instrumentation control
- Machine Learning MIT
- Intro to robotics MIT OCW
Notes mentioning this note
Robotics Applied Robotic Stanford CS235 Fundamentals of Design Languages German Fabrication Making Prototypes Programming/coding AVR C Edx Single variable calculus...
Resources Joe Wolf Educational pages Intro on physics concepts, physclips, related educational works. Classical Physics lectures Mechanics Joe wolf coursera...
tags: Mechatronics Resources Machine learning for robot kinematics #Marginally clever CNC ROS for rest of us Joshua Awesome list of...